Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wow! I can't remember a July like this in all my years on this earth! The storms in June were incredible and now July feels like Springtime! BTW, if you are looking for a way to help those families in the Pender and Pilger areas who lost their Nebraska acreage homes in the multiple tornadoes, there are so many great opportunities out there. One of my favorites is Samaritians Purse. Click here for details. Let's remember to keep them all in our thoughts and prayers.

As I continue to work on helping people find the acreage home of their dreams, I have been reminded  of how important it is to have a copy "off site" of your belongings so that when tragedy strikes, you can hand it over to your insurance company. A great FREE app I have found for that is called Home Inventory Mobile Backup. It was developed by Binary Formations and backs up on the Cloud via Dropbox.

Another thing I have been reminded of is the necessity of a storm shelter when you are living on an acreage in Nebraska. This guy, David Botkin, has put together a great DIY video on how to build a storm shelter on your acreage home. It may be overkill for some but at least he has saved you a bunch of research time so that you can make an educated decision on what best suites your need.

Well, until next time...in the meantime, if you, your friends or family are looking for an acreage home in Nebraska, please give them my number.